Friday, June 26, 2009

How to get prepared for a shopping trip

Someone asked me, how do you keep organized and know what to put in seperate transactions.
Well I have tried many methods and this is the one that works for me:
Well on Wednesday I pull up the grocery smarts list. I shrink it to the items I would like. Then I go through and put numbers on the side of quantity (how much I need/want of each item) And make it work with whatever promo/deal or even how many I can buy with the coupons I have. Then I add up the prices and make sure it is in my price range. (Also so I know a round about number or what I should be spending... its never exact because I always get there and find someone else on sale that I want.. lol)
Then I write out, sort of like a list, what I need in each transaction... so I know what will be in each transaction before I even leave home. Then I paper clip that to all the coupons that belong to that transaction. Which looks like this:

I hope this helps, and feel free to ask any more questions!

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