Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Also watch for them in your mail box... I found $1 off paper plates in mine today!
I'm back!
I am still couponing, but not as much as I use to because lack of time. I am still finding new ways to save money. So this is my attempt to get back into it. It is so important to me to save money. I also want to still use this blog as an update for family. So it's a little bit of everything!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Today's MC was to name 3 healthy foods with a low glycemic index, measure recovering heart rate, and listing what we were doing today.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Albie's Shopping Trip 8-4-09
Extra Val Challenge:
Day 4 of challenge
DH and I are going for a walk tonight, and hopefully every night since its suppose to cool off the next few nights. Its going to be 80s this weekend (ahhh a break from high 90s!) So I really want to go do a sport... what should we do?
Challenge from Val:
Monday, August 3, 2009
Day 1 of 30 day challenge.
Today's MC was to drink 64 ounces and a yoga stretch. I did neither. I am so dissapointed in myself!
Tomorrow WILL be a better day... tomorrow's MC is to eat raw or steamed veggie with lunch... so more carrots =) also a muscle relaxation technique. I will check back tomorrow to let you know how it goes =)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Start couponing!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Still couponing, but also post about the family and my life.
I will also be blogging about the 30 day health challenge with my girls in SHABIO at cafemom.com!
Albie's/Walgreen's Trip 7-30-09
* 4 scotch mailers - FREE with overage... they were on sale for .39 and I used 4 .50/1 (RP 7/26)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
JCP Clearance!
Tried something new this sunday
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Shopping trip from Friday
The video I've been promising...
So I made this weeks ago, I just forgot to submit it! I hope it helps =)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Albies Preview
Remember this is for Utah, so Idaho's may differ.
Some great things I am excited about (lets hope they are included for Idaho!)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Healthy eating on a budget?
It is tough when other blogs out there are raving about free ice cream. I admit I fell into it as well, getting free ice cream, buying 10 hamburger helpers because they were so cheap... But you can get items that are healthy for inexpensive as well. For example, yogurt (which you will probably never see me buy because it makes me yack.. unless I feel like making fruit & yogurt parfait) or milk or Albies does sales all the time on produce, and even fish. You should be saving so much money on the staples (salad dressing, sauces etc.) its ok sometimes to spend a little more and get that yummy salmon from the butcher.
The shopping trips ahead I am committing myself to finding the best deals on produce, fish, dairy, and whole grains. But also its okay to have a little treat (like the free McCafe at McDonalds today.. just if your hungry get a fruit & yogurt parfait or something LoL)
I have a lot on my plate even after school, next week I have 5, that's right 5 appointments, then you add in grocery shopping, my weekly playdates (Interested? Check them out here) and everything else that comes with a 8 month old, its crazy!
Austin has an appointment with a helmet specialist next week, we are trying to make the most informed decision whether or not to put him in a helmet since it is just cosmetic. Also we will have a meeting with a physical therapist later this month. Having a preemie is not easy in the beginning, but the struggle doesn't go away for a while..
I only have 1 month off and then Fall Semester begins. I have 2 trips to take, all these appointments to get done (my poor dogs need groomed so bad! LoL) and I need to catch up on things like Austin's baby book.
And one thing high on my list is continuing to educate people on couponing. Last week I did a speech to my Comm 101 class about the importance of couponing, it went well and I think I truely persuaded people to begin couponing. I hope that anyone skeptical reading this puts their fears aside and e-mails me! To efficiently collect/clip coupons you only need about 2 hours a week! That isn't much!
Anyway there is my little update. Little shoutout to my mom and grandma who keep up on this ;-) Love you guys!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Quick trip
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Shopping trip 7-12
Last 2 weeks of summer semester
Thursday, July 9, 2009
So I just read from http://discountqueens.blogspot.com/ that Walmart on Garrity is accepting Albie's doublers!! And from what it sounds like there is no limit of coupons per transaction!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Happy Wednesday!
As of now I don't think I will be making a trip. But I am waiting until Sunday to see if we get 3 more doublers. Which would be awesome to use up some of those coupons expiring this month.
I am going to make a trip to Target tho! Sounds like they have some great deals =)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
FREE Mocha Mondays
I was looking around and found McDonalds is doing a promotion starting July 13th- August 3rd to give a FREE sample of their McCafe iced or hot mocha.Get more info here!
You all know how I looove coffee ;-) But the best kind is free!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Free Redbox!
It's that time again...
Looks like they are still doing the epic deal... so again this may be another small transaction week... or if you are just starting this is a great week to stock up!
Walgreen's trip 7-6
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Albies shopping trip 7-5
Its time for a celebration! =)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Oscar Mayer beef franks 16 oz.
Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs, any $1/2 (Expires: 7-5-09) SS-5/10 and $1/2 (8-16-09) SS-6/21
Kellogg's cereal - Jumbo Krispies 11.2 oz., Rice Krispies 12 oz., Little Bites Mini Wheats 14.5 oz., Blueberry Muffin Mini Wheats 16 oz.
Extra promo: Save $2.50 instantly when you buy 3. Kelloggs Mini-Wheats, Rice Krispies or Crispix Cereal, any flavor 10 oz. or larger $1/1 (7-19-09) RP-6/7
Kellogg's cereal - Jumbo Krispies 11.2 oz., Special K Blueberry 11.4 oz., Touch of Honey Corn Flakes 12 oz., Rice Krispies 12 oz., Raisin Bran Extra 14 oz., Little Bites Mini Wheats 14.5 oz., Blueberry Muffin Mini Wheats 16 oz., Corn Flakes 18 oz., Raisin Bran 20 oz.
Extra promo: Save $2.50 instantly when you buy 3.
Kellogg's cereal - Raisin Bran 20 oz., Raisin Bran Extra 14 oz.
Extra promo: Save $2.50 instantly when you buy 3. 1.00/1 printable at Group C
Kellogg's cereal - Raisin Bran Extra 14 oz., Special K Blueberry 11.4 oz., Raisin Bran 20 oz.
Extra promo: Save $2.50 instantly when you buy 3. Kelloggs All-Bran, Special K or Raisin Bran Cereal, any flavor 11.5 oz. or larger $1/1 (7-19-09) RP-6/7
Kellogg's cereal - Special K Blueberry 11.4 oz.
Extra promo: Save $2.50 instantly when you buy 3. 1.00/1 printable at GroupA print it twice
Kraft BBQ sauce 18 oz.
Kraft Barbecue Sauce, any variety .50/1 (7-14-09) SS-6/14
Wish Bone Bountifuls 9.5 oz.
Wish-Bone Bountifuls Dressings, any 9.5 oz. bottle or larger $1/1 (9-19-09) RP-6/28
Wish Bone dressing 16 oz., Bountifuls 9.5 oz., Spritzers 7 oz.
Wish-Bone Bountifuls Dressing, any 9.5 oz., Wish-Bone or Wish-Bone Western Dressings, any 16 oz. or larger or Wish-Bone Salad Spritzers Dressings, any 7 oz. .75/1 (7-8-09) RP-5/17
Wish Bone dressing 16 oz., Bountifuls 9.5 oz., Spritzers 7 oz.
.75/1 printable at this link
Wish Bone Spritzers 7 oz.
Wish-Bone Salad Spritzers Dressings, any 7 oz. or larger $1/1 (7-8-09) RP-5/17
And this will happen, which is why you bulk buy... and when things are a great deal you spend a little more. Its best to have a monthly shopping limit than a weekly because again you may not spend much next week but next week could be AWESOME and you spend double your weekly.
After hours shopping trip..
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Albie's Preview!
Anwho, here is the Albertson's preview for Wednesday. It is very similar from last week, but definitly some good deals!
Okay back to class...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Good morning!
Next is Wally World (WalMart) Now I found this info at http://hip2save.blogspot.com/ I used coupons for trial sizes to get stuff for more than FREE! I spend $1.57 on these items! Heres how:
* 2 trial size Dove deoderants - .97/each, used $1.50/2 = $.44 for both
* 2 floss/tooth picks - $1/each then used 2 $1/1 coupons = FREE
* 2 boxes of bandaides - $1.50/each used 2 $1/1 coupons = $1 for both
* 2 floss - $1/each, used $2/1 = FREE + $2 in overage!
* 1 baby powder - $.97, used $1/1 = FREE + $.03 in overage!
* 2 starbucks ice cream - $ 2.58, used $2/1 = $.58/each
* 1 loaf of bread (which is made in NAMPA BTW! and is way yummy) - $1
Friday, June 26, 2009
Just a little example
What is Catalina and OYNSO?
How to get prepared for a shopping trip
I hope this helps, and feel free to ask any more questions!
Mess up
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Shopping trip today
I don't know if you can see but I saved a lot! So I got $116.50 worth of groceries and only spent $41.68. That's a savings of $74.82 = 64%! It would have been 70% had I not messed up.. which would be my highest savings yet. Everyone makes mistakes =)
Happy Wednesday!
Just a pointer that I believe I forgot to mention before. When pulling up the list at the top you will see a little button that says "start" then what you do is click the items you want on your list.. press "shrink" (in that same area) and wala! You have a list of just the items you will be purchasing.
Also make sure to grab the Albertsons ad because it sounds like their should be doublers in them! Doublers are double the coupon, up to $1. So if you have a coupon for $1 off of cheese, you would be getting $2 off!
Have fun, and please e-mail with any questions!
Great coupons!
Group A is offering .75 off any milk, $1 off any cheese, and $.75 off any yogurt! These typically do not last long, so go print them NOW!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Thanks to..
Followed by many others hopefully.. I love making them.. its so much better demostration than typing!
Albie's Preview!
I thought of this today while cleaning, especially with all that extra newspaper we get... its a great tip that many people don't know:
When washing your mirrors use newspaper instead of a paper towel or cloth towel. It will leave no residue and be 100% streak free!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
It's Sunday!
Next I figure out which coupons I want to clip to carry in my binder. I will be showing a quick way to clip these in my video... but most probably know how.
So today I saw the sets of huggies coupons (2) $1.50/1 , $2/1 for overnights, and $.75/1 for wipes. Which do not typically go on sale at Albies but is something I buy weekly! Also in the middle you will see $1/1 for starbucks coffee... I had to clip these because I love to drop by a gas station before school to get one. Finally, $1/1 kraft salad dressing and $.75/1 kraft mayo... now your probably wondering why I would clip these as they most likely will go on sale at Albies... I KNOW on my next shopping trip I will be purchasing these, even if they are not on sale because we are out of these. Obviously I will buy the minimum if it is not on sale.
And finally I file the inserts away in a manila folder with the date. I personally do not file them under SS June or RP March (etc), I think it works better for me this way. But again it is whatever works best for you.
This literally took me 5 mins. this morning. Then I went to change my son's diaper and saw we are almost out of diapers, so now I have the coupons with me to just go and buy them =) Again, Happy Father's Day... make sure to call those special men today and let them know you appreciate them!!
Friday, June 19, 2009

1st Column (red) - This is where you will initially check to see how good of a deal it is. More stars, especially those in red means it is a good buy and you may want to stock up if this is something you frequently use.
The 2nd column (green) - Just states the items
3rd column (orange) - Says the sale price, how much you could purchase it for without the use of coupons.
4th column (blue) - shows what coupons you can use (I will go more in detail later)
5th column (purple) - shows the price per item after the use of the indicated coupons.
Next photo..
First thing you see boxed in yellow is a promo.. it is in bold. So this promo states that when you spend $25 on the following items you get $10 off OYNSO (on your next shopping order) Then it shows the prices before and after the $10 (essentially 40% off) followed by the coupons you can use, and the prices after those coupons. Please note this is the price AFTER using the $10 OYNSO but that doesn't come until check out, after you have paid... so you may be doing multiple transactions or saving the $10 for next time..
Next circled in red.. I just wanted to point out to watch the sizes when you go shopping!
Now on to the coupons...
Circled in purple is an online printable coupon, these are GREAT to use. Simply print and go. But remember typically you can only print 2 at a time, and another thing I have learned is never to hit "clip" and not print, then close out of the screen.. it will count it as you printed it (idk why)
Next with the green arrow indicates the value of the coupon, on this one it says .35/3 this means you get 35 cents off of 3 cans.
Next the blue arrow... also in parenthesis is the expiration of the coupon.
Last but most important, with the pink arrow is where to find this coupon. Here is says SS- 5/31. This means it is found in the Smart Source insert in the Sunday paper on MAY 31st.
SS - Smart Source
RP - Red Plum
PG - P & G
I really hope this helps, and again feel free to ask any questions!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
As promised...
Stop throwing away your money!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
My first promo shopping trip!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Today's savings
Monday, June 8, 2009
Grocery Trip 6-7
Saturday, June 6, 2009
So have you started?
Have you looked at http://sheshopssmart.blogspot.com/ yet?
Just in the last week she has posted 2 blogs which pretty much puts all the instructions on how to do this. With pictures and everything! Seriously I suggest following her, she has so much information. But again, she is from Utah so a lot of the extras she posts don't apply to us idahoans! But she puts on there if its just in Utah.
I just noticed she is even posting some pretty awesome recipes!
Get to it people! Its time to save money!
I'm officially a college student
I am so proud of myself for doing this, I know a lot of people doubted me because I am also a new mother. He is the reason I am doing this! And I am so excited to make something of myself for him.
So with that things have been an adjustment here. Austin is getting use to being watched by his grandma, I'm learning how to manage my time better.
On a side note, I managed to smash my toes into my bed twice this week... I think the pinky toe is officially broken. Also as for the shopping trip this week, there may not be one due to lack of money unless somehow I get my financial aide check in the mail.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Shopping trip yesterday:
Saving $$ on groceries
Next is pinchingyourpennies.com. Also known as PYP. This is a great site for support/ideas/questions. There is forums by state, I haven't spent too much time on this site but I'm sure I will.
Finally go to grocerysmarts.com. You need a passport to get into your state. I only know Idaho's, so for others that live out of state I would probably google it. Then from a drop down menu you choose which store (here Albertsons usually has the best deals)
The list it provides is awesome, shows you sale prices as well as which coupons to use.
I will be posting more info as I figure it out as I am very new to this but again the woman from Utah has some great ideas/info on her blog.